Game Interface: Energy Manager

Locking Energy Reservoirs

The Energy Manager is located along the top of your game screen. Aside from tracking your energy reservoirs and absorption rate, you can also use the Energy Manager to lock the Creation Energy, Beam Energy, and Host Station Life Energy reservoirs, offering you greater resource control.

When you do not lock a reservoir, all three equalize, rising and falling depending on the amount of energy you use or absorb. When you click the Creation Energy, Beam Energy, or Host Station Life Energy icon, that reservoir stops filling. The energy units that would normally fill that reservoir are now divided between the other two. For example, locking the Creation Energy reservoir prevents it from filling and has the effect of increasing the Beam Energy and Host Station Life Energy reservoirs at a faster rate.

For further information see, Strategies: Acquiring Energy and Strategies: Resource Management.

To lock or unlock energy reservoirs